Sunday 4 August 2019

another for the crooks

Heres a new one for the Chinamen.

Are you watching Chin Chonk Chook Chuck? Person with the slitty eyes on the other side of this screen from half a world away? Your job is better than mine. You get to sit in front of a screen all day skimming the internet and putting your cyber hand into my life, and others, to steal the images of our creative product.

When you find a good one on the screen do you call your mates over - "lookee, lookee! we gottee nice one here. Wot you think Chow Choo Lie, we takee dis one and make our fortune cookies!"

I bet your mothers are proud of their robber children.

When my mother discovered I'd stolen a little plastic figurine from a local shop when I was 11 she marched me down there to apologise to the shopkeeper and to pay for the item out of my Xmas money. I was banned from going into the shop until the next year. The humiliation of my wrongdoing still makes me break out in a sweat 49 years later. But I guess chinese Mums would compliment you on your prowess! So clever! So proud!


This was a quick little shift I made yesterday. I'm considering a new business model of trying to sell for less than the Chinese. I usually put in much more time and artistry with printing, textile embellishment and hand stitching. The only piece of hand printing on this one is the pocket.

As ever, it is made entirely from upcycled clothes and used fabrics. The bodice is a patchwork reconstructed from 3 knit tops. The skirt is from a cotton/polyester doona cover.


Fits approx size 18-20. Aus$80 plus postage. Paypal only. PM me. No chinese buyers.

the Frida print is a patch pocket

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