Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Blue Mantra beading class

I can have a short attention span as I’m constantly seeking the stimulation of a new creative project. The exciting bit for me is translating the mental visualisation with my hands into material realisation. In the latter part of the realisation process there inevitably comes a point where all the problems have been solved and you are just crafting the object to finality. That stage quickly becomes tedious for me and I have to resist the desire to move on to something more intellectually stimulating. I always have a mind boggling with ideas that jostle and beg for the opportunity to get materialised so it will be no surprise that I have a substantial catalogue of projects that were abandoned before getting finished. Probably about 30-40% of the things I start don’t get completed. But I often go back, sometimes, years later, to finish things so I don’t get too despondent about this tendency.

So….in my last blog I was working on an appliqued version of the Theodora Tunic, with the idea of publishing it as a pattern and surface embellishment tutorial. I made – and finished! – 3 quite complex samples and got started writing up the step by step technique. Then tedium won over….and I was asked to create a craft class to teach at a newly opened local shop. I was enthused to jump into this new creative project....

Blue Mantra necklace by Pearl Red Moon, 2017

On the weekend local business lady Sue Stone opened her new vintage homewares shop just a few houses down from where I live. The shop is in the newly renovated Tattersalls Hotel on the corner of Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Murrurundi.

Sue asked me if I would teach classes at the shop and I’m thrilled to accept the opportunity. They have a wonderful big, light airy room dedicated for a teaching space.

There are so many things I could teach as I’m such a dilettante of multiple craft skills! However, I decided at this stage to wait and find out if theres any interest in sewing stuff at some time in the future. Right now I want to offer a beading class. It will be an introduction to Herringbone/Ndebele stitch.  Shown below is the necklace project I designed, called “Blue Mantra” necklace. Then I decided to simplify it somewhat by making the class project a bracelet instead. So students in the class will get the notes and instructions for making both a necklace and bracelet.

the closure is at metal push clasp the side of the neck
I'm still working on making the bracelet sample - YES! I WILL finish it! - and will show this soon along with more information about the class.