Frankly, I don't expect that this will ever get acknowledged but I sent this to Colette Media and Meg Stively, the editor of Seamwork Magazine, today.
If you strongly disagree about the views expressed in the Degendering Fashion series published in Seamwork then feel free to cut and paste anything I've said here and write to Colette Media.
Contact Colette Media
After being briefly reinstated to following Seamwork Magazine on Instagram I'm now blocked again.
I cancelled my subscription when it was up for renewal last month.
Murrurundi, Australia
Dear Colette Media
Re: Seamwork Magazine, Degendering Fashion, Meg Stively
I’m writing to express my deep concern for the 3 part series that was published
in Seamwork Magazine issues #77, 78 and 79 called “Degendering Fashion” by
Emilia Bergoglio.
I have been a subscriber to Seamwork magazine for 6 years and generally
keep a low profile interacting as I’m a patternmaker selling my own range of
PDF sewing patterns and didn’t want to seem as if I’m trying to gain attention
to publicise my own product. I have always really liked the classic Seamwork designs
and have bought about 18 patterns.
When it was promoted on Seamwork Instagram that the Degendering Fashion
series was upcoming I was surprised. It seemed such a political stance that
would likely polarise the views of women sewists in the community. I published
some comments indicating my discomfort that were relayed to Meg Stively by
somebody who felt my comments were “hate speech”. Within an hour she blocked me
from commenting and deleted the comments made by myself and others. The person
who Meg supported in banning me from Instagram then stalked me on my own
Instagram over 2 weeks accusing me of being a transphobic bigot and was joined
by several other trolls labelling me a hateful and vile person.
Being unable to share my views with others on Instagram to find out what
they thought I wrote to Meg in her capacity as Seamwork Magazine editor 8 times
over several months outlining my concerns about the views that were expressed
in Degendering Fashion and also asking Meg to reinstate my access to Seamwork
Instagram. She allowed me to rejoin Instagram after 7 months
When my subscription came up for renewal a month ago I cancelled it.
I had numerous concerns with things that were written in Degendering
Fashion. I wrote about my views extensively on my blog www.pearlredmoon which you can view here…
Most of the correspondence I exchanged with Meg is published there too.
The blog posts cover several months and are interspersed with other blogs that
aren’t about Seamwork.
Please note that in that March 2021 blog I was endeavouring to politely
address Emilia by her preferred pronouns but since then I’ve completely revised
my view about using pronouns. I now understand it as coerced language by a
group of gender identity ideologues whose views that men can be women I am
utterly and totally opposed to. Men aren’t women and nor can they become women
regardless of hormones, surgeries, breast implants, wigs or stiletto heels.
Quite apart from the women shaming propaganda promoted in Degendering
Fashion one of my greatest concerns was Emilia Bergoglio endorsing and describing
the practise of breast binding. This is a very dangerous and potentially physically
damaging practise. It is usually carried out by women who have a mental health
condition known as body dysmorphia which leads them to feel distressed by their
breasts because they would rather be male. Emilia doesn’t even feel comfortable
about the word breast, she demands that everybody use the word “chest” instead,
for her comfort and validation.
Breast binding inhibits the normal development of breast tissue or
flattens out mature breasts. The discomfort and pain caused is the least of the
potential problems. It can cause ribs or the entire ribcage to be malformed if
started young enough. It can cause the nipples to become infested and even
atrophy and fall off.
I hope that Seamwork Magazine will publish a clear statement that Colette
Media does not endorse or support breast binding and urge all readers to
understand it is a very dangerous practise.
Yours sincerely
Pearl Red Moon