Tuesday, 18 December 2012

deck the halls with paint, tra lalalalala laaaah...

Its the last week of school and Rodney is beginning a long break from teaching until February next year. This is also a quiet time at work for me too. I have been doing some art. I got about half way with "Valda" then plunged into starting another larger work which is still in the early stages.

With Rodney off work I've been making lists of tasks that need to be done round the house/garden and spending lots of my time figuring out ways to keep him "occupied". My long suffering beloved patiently goes along with most of this pestering and only occasionally makes excuses for why things can't be achieved on my impossible time scale (mainly because I forget our money tree died....)

The "project of the week" has been to clear out and decorate a verandah that runs down the side of our house and this has progressed well. I wish I'd taken some before shots so you could appreciate the difference. This lovely verandah had become a convenient dumping ground for boxes of miscellaneous stuff and pieces of furniture we couldn't fit in the house. It took a day to clear it out before the floor could be decorated.

I painted the raw timber floor with cheap pine green fence paint then added some simple hand cut stencil patterns. The picture shows about 2/3rds of the room completed. Today we cleared out the remnants of the junk and now I can access the last part to complete the room . Below is a picture of the remaining raw floor boards to paint.

We have some longer term plans to insulate and line the ceiling with "mini orb" corrugated iron and a fabulous little pot belly stove to install....(about items #87 and #124 on Rodneys list.... he will be looking forward to going back to work for a rest)