Friday 4 August 2017

My art at the Archibalds

The beautiful lady in this video is the remarkable Eileen Kramer. Eileen is a 103 years old dancer whose portrait was a finalist in this years Archibald Prize. For those of you outside Australia this is our county's most prestigious portraiture competition. 

I've been privileged to meet Eileen on a number of occasions when she's called into my studio. Eileen has a wonderfully artistic and eclectic appreciation of clothes, probably coming from her years as a dancer on the stage. I felt incredibly flattered when she fell in love with my hand knitted shawls and bought several of them.

Last week the 2017 winner of the Archibald Prize was announced and there was a charming TV news item about Eileen attending the prize night and posing in front of her portrait "The inner stillness of Eileen Kramer". Her portrait wasn't the winner.

But I felt like a winner because I was thrilled to see Eileen was wearing one of the shawls I made! She looked gorgeous in the stunning mauve and blue fluffy and fringed knitted shawl. I usually make a batch of these shawls every Winter because it's just so enjoyable to sit in front of the fire in the evening with fat knitting needles and make a triangle shawl in 3-4 hours. Most of the yarns I used I buy from the local thrift store for a few cents each. Odd balls of yarn, colour mixed and matched are just the perfect thing. Sometimes I get the spinning wheel out and twine several of the thin ones together, or add in a bit of dyed roving to make unique fiber.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Sewed my finger

Get Stitched - my textile art ezine - was sent out yesterday with a great flourish....TAH-DAH!!!!
But whoopsie, I raced down that last seam of the hem....I put the needle though my finger...OUCH!!!

I'm apologising here for having included some discount codes to buy patterns in my Etsy shop that didn't work. It was wonderful and flattering that so many of you wanted to take up the offer and I was then mortified you were disappointed. This has become an embarrassing lesson about the importance - and necessity! - of testing these things first.

After a few hours of meltdown...with the love, patience and forbearance of my saintly husband...I'm glad to be able to announce that the codes are now fixed up and triple tested!

For a 90% discount on the Aurana Top, until August 11th, enter this at checkout


For a 20% discount on End Point, Medium sizes, or End Point, Large sizes, until August 15th, enter this at checkout


Now I have a band aid on my finger and will retire for the rest of the day to nurse the injury!