Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Boho Banjo shop and studio

Last week my wonderful husband built a new clothing display rack in my shop and its looks so good!

I live in the very small rural town of Murrurundi, in New South Wales, Australia. Murrurundi is a very old town historically as it was settled in the 1840s (heh, that is "old" in the Australian definition that arises from beginning when white people arrived in ships in 1789 - the indigenous have been here 50,000 years...) and has a population of less than 1,000.

Murrurundi is located on the New England Highway(A15), between Scone (42km south) and Tamworth (90km north) at the very top of the Upper Hunter Valley. It is nestled into the foothills just below the Great Dividing Range. Leaving town at the northern end you drive upwards for 610m through Nowlands Pass to the top of Mt Helen and see spread before you the tablelands rolling out on the way to Willow Tree and Tamworth.

I have lived here for 9 years and adore this little town. City living is not for me! The incessant activity of cities sends my ASD sensitivities into hyper drive and I alternate between irritability and zombie like glazedness. Too many people, too much activity = brain overload, meltdowns....

My husband has supported me to work in my own little enterprise for the last 2 years so that I don't have to go to workplaces and work with people around me. Being in workplaces has been a situation enormously stressful for me personally all my life and is for many Aspergers people.

I'm so lucky and want to express my gratitude that his support, understanding and actions have made my life so much happier than it has ever been.

Meantime, now all of you are getting a tour of my shop and studio....

...starting with the entrance foyer, please step in from the street, the shop is through the doorway to the right. The change room is behind the curtain.

entrance to Boho Banjo shop

This is the retail area. The new rack Rodney built is along the length of the back wall. Stacked on the shelf above are some of my older artworks....cloth dolls, mixed media canvas, digital images

Boho Banjo shop 31/01/2017

Glancing behind you, back into the foyer, the the left is a glass display cabinet that I put necklaces/various adornments into. The the right is an old victorian timber mantel that was altered into a display cabinet. The edge of the doorway to the far right is the entrance to my workshop.

A sample of the "Loopholes" dress, my latest published PDF sewing pattern, on a model display, along with a textile necklace I made.

The display cabinet for adornments. Bought this at a garage sale for $15. Rodney put the chicken wire in the back, where there was probably a mirror once.

A close up of items in the cabinet, all designed and made by me

oh dear....then all that lovely tidiness ends as you walk into my workshop...I'm sitting at that little table with my laptop and writing this blog right now

Hope you enjoyed the tour and please call into to look around and say hello if ever passing through Murrurundi