Tuesday, 2 February 2016

a-way with the Fridas...

Do you like the new adornments I made? (now for sale in my Etsy shop....)

Most of you who've followed this blog for a while would have noticed I'm a huge fan of Frida Kahlo. When I was doing my Visual Art degree at University of Newcastle (Australia) I did my major thesis on her art and life way back in 1999, when she was a much smaller cult icon.

In case you're an Australian fan and haven't heard this yet, there will be an exhibition of the art of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera in Sydney in the middle of this year, here's the link -

Frida Kahlo exhibition at Art Gallery of NSW, 2016

One of my dear friends here in Murrurundi recently bought some earrings I'd made with FKs image and told me she would be wearing them when she attended the Frida and Diego Rivera exhibition. Hope I don't get in trouble! as the copyright issues around FK images are some of the most vague and wishywashy in the contemporary art world. I've been a fascinated observer of the huge and growing cult for making altered images of Kahlo and have collected hundreds of them on my Pinterest board -

Pearls Frida Kahlo Pinterest board

FYI, the images I used on my brooches above were all created by another Etsy artist, D Cakes, and sold with limited permission for use. I've bought and used a number of her images over the years, not just the Fridas...I really like her zany and inspired digital images. You can check out her work at "Bubblegum Blowfish"

Bubblegum Blowfish Etsy shop