Saturday, 30 June 2018

Murdering Hut Gully

 Ive been going to Merriwa once a month since January to teach an art class for senior citizens. It's a long drive of 100kms (each way) from Murrurundi so I've enjoyed looking at the landscape and bush along the way. On my way home last week I finally stopped and took a picture of this incredibly intriguing sign. There must be a gruesome story behind that name....surely! I asked the people in my art group but no one knew why it was named that.

These amazing ancient rock formations are about 10km outside of Scone. I love caves because I can fantasize they will be full of old bones, artifacts and cave drawings. Thats not entirely far fetched as there are some very old drawings made on rock faces by the Kamilaroi (local indigenous aboriginal people) around the area.  However those places are protected and regarded as sacred by the Kamilaroi so I don't go searching for them.

These two pictures show how parched the country is. 

This road kill kangaroo was just a few feet from where I pulled off the road to take the pictures of the "Murdering Hut Gully" sign. In the rural area where I live this is a common sight. I roughly estimate on the trip last week there would have been about 10 dead kangaroos either on or off the road. I also saw 2 road killed wombats.