Wednesday 3 February 2021

ear things

I'm just finishing preparing a proposal to submit to Newcastle Art Space for another exhibition in July 2021. I hope to find out by the end of this month if the proposal is accepted. If accepted I intend to show 30-40 dresses made from altered upcycled fabrics and some beaded adornments.

Heres a new series of earrings I've been working on this week. They are all of the pair at the moment. I call these "orphans" until they are made into pairs. It can often be days or weeks until I return to the collection to complete the pairs (if ever!). That is why I am the director of a very large orphanage....

The way I work is when a design concept starts to trigger off a brainstorm of inspiration, usually starting with a newly created item, I start riffing on the theme. It is similar to the way when a musician has a little piece of tune that they play with, embellish and expand by trying it out in a multiplicity of versions.

In the picture below I've laid out the earrings left to right, top to bottom, in the first little series. This shows how the initial simple version on the top left transmuted into more complexity. After the 6 versions the spark burned out and I moved on to making the 3 and a half long drops in the bottom row.

As ever, colour is everything.....