Thursday, 9 May 2019

Feeling groovy

10am, I'm still in my dressing gown sitting at my laptap and luxuriating in the laziness. The last month has been both a frantic and fun run up to preparing the full catalogue of adornments for my exhibition. About a third of the 50+ pieces had been finished months ago but I purposely left most of the work to do in this last 8 weeks as I wanted as much as possible reflecting recent work. It was clear to me that the items made even 3 months ago weren't quite consistent with the pieces made a few weeks ago.  Maintaining a consistent visual aesthetic isn't that important to me, but I bow somewhat to the desire of many viewers to imagine some sort of narrative in the works.

This coming Saturday 11th May at 6pm is the opening night with wine and nibblies provided, all welcome, it is a public Gallery. As is often the custom I was asked to make some public pronunciations so will oblige with a short speech.

Here is the link to the Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre website. Scroll down the page, I'm the 4th exhibition listed.

Finery exhibition by Pearl Red Moon

Over the next few weeks I'll show pictures of the exhibition and the individual works as the vast majority of my blog readers have no possibility of visiting Muswellbrook.

#42 "Splendid", cloth, glass beads, embroidery thread. 2019

#11 "Landing Field" cloth and glass beads. 2019

#13 "Ball game" cloth and fibre. 2019

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