Thursday, 22 June 2023

Garb Age tour

Walk through of my wearable art exhibition at the Old Tattersalls Hotel, Murrurundi in April 2023. The show was called "Garb Age" as a play on the word garbage as all the fabrics and fibres I used to make the clothes was stuff salvaged from the waste stream. comprising mostly used clothes, homewares and unused fabric remnants taht had been donated to thrift shops.

Many of the garments on show at Garb Age, less the ones that were sold and a few more I've made since, can be seen in my upcoming Sydney exhibition - Tangled Webs She Wove - opening Saturday 8th July, at Balmain Space, 79 Beattie St, Balmain, Sydney. The completed wearable artwork that was banned from the Australian Wearable Art Festival, "Wedding Gown for Woman to Marry Her Garden" will also be displayed.

We'll be having an opening celebration in the gallery all day long on the 8th, so pop in for horse doovers and champers and admire some of the most accomplished works of wearable art you'll ever see. I spent 45 years getting this good.

On Sunday 9th, between 1-3pm, I'll be teaching a class in the gallery about stencil printing and embellishing cloth with hand stitches. Fabrics, threads, paints and all materials will be supplied, attendees are required to bring only dressmaking scissors and wear protective clothes. Class will be repeated on Saturdays 15th and 22nd July. Cost is $65 and and book if you wish (through Balmain Space Facebook page) or just turn up.

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