Monday 22 May 2023

Australian Wearable Art Festival 2023

 I'm proud to announce having been selected as one of 40 finalists for the Australian Wearable Art Festival 2023. This awesome event will be held on the Gold Coast, Queensland over 2 days on August 11/12th, 2023.

Above is the concept picture I submitted when I applied to enter. The picture was a collage created by gluing on pictures of other surfaces from garments I've made in the past. Mostly they were taken from my 2019 coat called "Coat for a Bohemian Princess".

At the time of entering my vision for AWAF I was uncertain what to name the concept garment, but after much brain racking I've settled on "Wedding Gown for a Woman to Marry Her Garden".

In the last week I finished the headdress and have now started making the dress. Though the dress looks simple in the illustration, it will be quite an epic production. The most challenging bit to construct will be the hem as it is square and rigid. The garment will be effectively hang suspended from the models shoulders. Rather than making the dress from conventional cloth pieces I've built a frame and have started filling in the spaces which comprise the 4 sides.

I'm somewhat restricted in what I can show as part of my committment to help the Festival succeed is not to reveal the entire finished garment until the night of the parade on August 11th.

So here is one picture only of the headdress to serve as a little tantaliser.

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