It’s quite a while since I wrote a blog. I’ve thought about it every few days for months,
but….honestly, kept feeling unable to say anything that doesn’t offend myself
for sounding either too blithely mawkish or ridiculously bathos.
I’ve been
working erratically, trying to distance myself not so much from people but from news of the
endless litany of almost biblical ravages. 2020 is turning out a year unlike
any other with the quantity of significant distractions piling up on each other
in an avalanche of catastrophe.
Starting on January 1st we had
cataclysmic bushfires destroying vast swathes of the country to a degree never
recorded since white colonization. Before that was over in late February the
pandemic had arrived on our shores and started it’s own peculiar reign of devastation.
I am
fortunate that my life has barely been affected. An aspect of my Aspergers is
that I’m a very insular person who avoids friendships and social situations.
Since I was able to leave my last workplace 4 years ago (due to the financial
support of my husband) I’ve worked alone in my studio with great relief at not
having to accommodate being around people with their constant inane chatter and
the weird interactions they call “communication”... wtf!!! So you could
describe me as a lifelong instinctive social distancer. That is my preferred
comfortable place.
I’m an Aspergers person who was perplexed for 50 years why
people thought solitary confinement in jail was a punishment. I honestly
thought for decades that it was a privilege granted for good behaviour! In the
past, sometimes when I’d had enough of the world I wondered if I should break
the law to go to jail so I could get put in solitary confinement. Comforting to know
the option is always there if required….
I’ve been
working on digitizing the pattern for the loose, kimono style coat I used for
almost all the coats in my “Thirty Coats” exhibition. It is very close to being
ready for publication. If I could find 2 days when my eyeballs aren’t plastered
to a screen watching the hideous person who is president of the USA bring that
once noble (yes and flawed) country to its knees and final dismemberment….well,
in those 48 hours I could finish up and publish….
Meantime, here's a preview, the pattern is called "Coat Thirty"
Lastly, if anyone would like to see the coats that were in my exhibition I've published a softcover book with photographs of all of them which is for sale in my Etsy shop
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