Friday, 18 July 2014

Spoonflower competition and voting

I get my textiles printed by an American company called Spoonflower. They run many competitions and promotions, some of which I've entered. The one I most recently entered was the annual fabric design competition "Fabric8", sponsored by textile company Robert Kaufman. There were well in excess of 600 entrants and I was unsuccessful with the design below to be selected as a finalist.

"Planets Swirl in the Solar Wind" textile design by Pearl Red Moon, 2014

In the last few weeks 100 semifinalists were selected then 8 finalists from that pool. Spoonflower has now opened the competition for the final round of voting for the winner.

Perhaps I'm biased (!) but I really loved the work of the Australian finalist, Ali Benyon from Melbourne. So I voted for her. All the entries were fabulous but her collection really stood out to me - and that was before I realised she was Australian.

This is the link to the voting page at Spoonflower

Spoonflower Fabric8 - vote for winner

Ali Benyon, textile designs for Robert Kaufman Fabric8 2014

Have a look and vote for your favourite design collection

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