Friday, 24 February 2012

where its at

Dusky, end day3
As at this afternoon this is the figure cut from the canvas and adhered to a backing board. Tomorrow, Rodney will construct the timber frame with an MDF surface (thanks darling!!! hugs and kisses, mmmmhhhmm) and I'll be able to attach the figure to the rigid background. At the moment the textile is only pinned over the body, see the pearl headed pins at the shoulders. I have to wait until its attached to the background before I can saturate the cloth with Paverpol and arrange the fabric folds so they set rock hard.

You will observe that the left arm is cut off in a straight line. When mounted this will lie along the left edge of the frame. The hem line of the skirt will be the bottom edge of the frame. The finished board will be narrow and tall = 35 cm wide by 80cm tall.

In my next blog I'll explain how texture and colour will be applied to the background....

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