Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Cleo in repose, 2011

Hi everybody. I hope you all had a lovely Xmas day. Rodney and I  had a very quiet one at home, just ourselves and our only visitor was our elderly neighbour who shared lunch with us.

We look forward to New Year with the hope may it be just as riotious!

I plan to show on the blog from time to time some of my other art done during 2011. This one is "Cleo in Repose"  The finished work on stretcher was approx 95 x 52cm. The face is painted in oil and is surrounded by a combination of machine embroidery, patchwork and cutaway applique. The gorgeous collar was cut  from a piece I made around 2005. The "hair" was created from felting wool incorporating leaf shaped fragments of painted textures.

This work was recently sold to a private collector who has bought a number of my works since 2008.

Here are some links for readers to see pictures of the garden Rodney and I have created at home and where we got married on 11/11/11. The weather was perfect and the day turned out just as we hoped it would.  

Link to see pictures of the garden:


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