Thursday, 15 June 2023

Tangled Webs She Wove

 My next exhibition of wearable art called “Tangled Webs She Wove” will be at 

Balmain Space 

opening Saturday 8th July and closing Sunday 23rd. The gallery is located at 79 Beattie St, Balmain, Sydney, Australia.

I will host 3x 2 hour classes on Sunday 9th/16th and Saturday 22nd July, from 1-3pm. If you wish to come along please contact Robin the curator, through Balmain Space Facebook page for more information and to book in. We will play with one of my most favourite techniques, stenciling onto cloth, cutting and patching it together and building up layers of embellishment with hand stitches.

Regarding my expulsion from the Australian Wearable Art Festival, 4 days ago I sent this email to them but haven't heard anything back at this point

Dear Wendy and Helen

Since receiving your email of June 4th saying AWAF did not intend to represent my work in the festival I haven’t replied back. However, if you’ve read the blog posts I’ve made over the last week I think you’ll appreciate the anger and hurt I feel.

In March when I was notified of being selected I wrote back indicating my concern that AWAF was aware of my public outspoken support for womens rights. Here is a quote from Wendys reply "I've been personally following you for a while and I am aware and have absolutely problems with your women's rights activism. Australian Wearable Art Festival is apolitical and we value each artist for their art - no problems. Thanks for the heads up about potential issues though. I will keep an eye out and deal with any comments as/if they arise."

Getting that acknowledgement was a huge relief to me and gave me confidence to go ahead with investing the time, energy and resources to develop my concept. To date, I’ve spent at minimum 60 hours working on “Wedding Gown for Woman to Marry Her Garden”.

I hope that AWAF will reconsider its decision to expel me as a finalist. I’m under the impression a number of people have contacted AWAF on social media saying they support me being in the festival, regardless of what my beliefs might be and to say they believe my expulsion was unfair. Many people have contacted me to say those things which leads me to feel I have significant support. Most Australians still believe ordinary people are entitled to hold beliefs that shouldn’t be the cause of getting discriminated against or result in having an opportunity withdrawn.

Though still not finished my garment is beautiful and I’m so proud of it. People who have seen it in progress in the studio are impressed. I hope we’ll be able to reconcile and that my artwork will be showcased on the runway along with the other finalists in August.

I look forward to hearing from you


Pearl Moon


At present I'm continuing to work on Wedding Gown for Woman To Marry Her Garden and the finished artwork will be on display as part of the Balmain Space exhibition. 

I have some amazing news I'm busting to tell about Wedding Gown but are bound by confidentiality at this point! All can be revealed sometime in the next week or 2!

Sometimes shit turns into compost which can grow something extrordinary.


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