Tuesday, 10 June 2014

new designs in my prints

I've been working away steadily for the last few months making new clothing designs and getting fabric printed with my art. Heres some of my recent creations

Green Woman tunic with my painting shown behind it

Sashi tunic. The beautiful image of an Algerian woman is an archival photo, late C19

Sunspot Daisy, with my original artwork on the wall behind, acrylic painting/collage

There are another 12 designs I haven't "revealed" yet.

My plan has been to publish and sell the patterns as pdf. But its been about 30 years since I did my trade certificate in patternmaking and though I've continually kept designing and making since then I haven't done much size grading. I keep prevaricating because I feel so daunted to take on that technical task.

I hope something will push me to "bite the bullet' soon!

Any comments on my designs are very welcome!

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